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DbNetGrid is an ASP.NET grid control that can be used to display and edit GoldMine database information.
- Search, navigate, sort, update, add, delete, export, upload, link, filter, nest, print, copy and much more ...
- Designed with performance and scalability in mind.
- Seamless integration with MS Office.
- No coding required. Integrated GUI designer interface.
- Browser based. Design and run from anywhere. No client installation required.
- No Java requirement. Pure DHTML.
- Browser based. Design and run from anywhere. No client installation required.
- No Java requirement. Pure DHTML.
- Fully encapsulated component. Integrates easily with any web page.
- Grids can be linked or nested together to create powerful drill-down web reports.
- Integrates with other DbNetSuite components.
- Generate robust web-based applications.
Extensive database support. Works with SQL Server 2000, MSDE 2000, SQL
Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, Oracle, Firebird, Sybase, DB2, MySQL, Access,
Visual Fox Pro, InterSystems Caché, Informix, Advantage and Pervasive
Simple server-based licensing
Server Requirements:
- Windows XP,Vista,7,2000,2003,2008
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (or above)
- IIS or Visual Studio Development Web Server